Digital Strategy Director

What Makes for a Great Strategist?

The world may not be inherently wilder today, but navigating its complexities demands a new breed of strategist. Forget about outdated notions – strategy isn’t for the chosen few with high IQs. It’s a discipline anyone can master with the right approach. Here’s your blueprint to become a strategist who not only plans but shapes the future.

Unlearn the Liabilities: Mindset Matters

Great strategists don’t rely solely on analytical prowess. Here are three common pitfalls to avoid:

The Myth of the All-Knowing Strategist:

  1. Ditch the idea that strategy is a solo intellectual exercise. Top strategists are humble. They recognize the limitations of data analysis and the value of diverse perspectives. Don’t let high test scores inflate your ego. True brilliance lies in collaborating and learning from others, including those outside the strategy department.

Planning vs. Creating:

  1. Strategy isn’t just about optimizing the present. It’s about envisioning and shaping a better tomorrow. Don’t get bogged down in analyzing the past – that’s a recipe for stagnation. Embrace the inherent uncertainty of the future. It’s not random chaos, but a complex system with patterns waiting to be discovered.

The Disconnect with Operations:

  1. Great strategists are grounded in reality. They understand the intricacies of the business, not just theoretical frameworks. Dismissing “operators” as less qualified is a surefire way to derail your strategy.  They possess invaluable knowledge – tap into it!

Embrace the Empowering Mindset:

Now, let’s cultivate a mindset that fosters strategic excellence:

Customer Obsession:

  1. Strategy starts with a deep understanding of your customers, not shareholders or internal capabilities. What makes them tick? How can your offering make their lives better? Obsess over understanding their needs and desires. This unlocks insights that data analysis alone can’t provide.

Seeing the Bigger Picture:

  1. The world is a complex web of interconnected forces. Great strategists view business as a dynamic system, not a static machine. Embrace the probabilistic nature of the future. It’s not about perfect predictions, but discerning patterns and making informed decisions that can be adapted as you learn more.

Future Architects, Not Passive Observers:

  1. Mediocrity accepts the status quo. Great strategists are audacious. They believe in creating a future that doesn’t currently exist. Strive to disrupt the present and build something truly transformative. However, don’t neglect the importance of optimizing ongoing operations. It’s a balancing act – exploration and exploitation must coexist.

Sharpen Your Strategic Toolkit: Essential Skills

The right mindset is a foundation, but you also need the tools to execute. Here are three core skills to develop:

Qualitative Appreciation:

  1. Go beyond numbers. Great strategists understand the nuanced qualitative aspects of their environment. How does your offering make customers feel?  A subtle change can have a significant impact. Don’t get lost in quantitative analysis – hone your ability to discern meaning, happiness, and other qualitative factors.

The Power of Dialogue:

  1. Strategy is a team sport. Great strategists co-create with stakeholders – customers, partners, colleagues. Don’t expect “buy-in” after the fact. Involve them throughout the process. Listen, share, and learn collaboratively. Forget the lone genius archetype – strategy thrives on collective intelligence.

Mastering the Juggling Act:

  1. Great decisions consider numerous variables – a complex juggling act.  Traditional business education often compartmentalizes knowledge, hindering this ability. Break down silos!  Seek connections across disciplines – marketing, operations, finance – to gain a holistic view. Practice juggling multiple balls to make informed decisions amidst complexity.

Become a Master Strategist: Continuous Improvement

Strategic excellence isn’t a gift; it’s a product of dedication. Here’s how to refine your skills:

  • Mindset Check: Regularly assess your mindset. Do you fall into the “don’t” traps? Nurture the “do” attitudes.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Strategic expertise comes through deliberate practice. There are no natural-born strategists – only those who hone their skills over time.
  • Seek a Mentor: Find a seasoned strategist who can guide you. In domains like art, design, and surgery, mentorship is crucial. Strategy is no different. Learn from the best, get feedback, and refine your approach.
  • Dialogue in Action: Involve others whenever you work on strategy. Practice listening and learning within a collaborative environment.

Explicitly Juggle: Identify and list all relevant variables in your decision-making process.


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